Have you ever wondered how and why consumers choose one product or company over another? Like, why do they look at six different types of cola on a shelf and choose Coke over Pepsi? It might be loyalty, sentimentality, trust, or even some subconscious desire to fit in or associate with a product or company that is seen as cool, hip, edgy, new, or interesting. All those reasons, though, boil down to one simple ingredient: branding. Here’s a look at what branding is, and why it’s so important for your business to understand:

Branding 101

No, we’re not talking about a branding iron! Branding in the business world means the type of marketing and promotion you do for your company to set yourself apart from the pack and establish yourself as a wholly unique, distinctive entity. Branding is a global, universal marketing strategy that focuses on a company’s mission and vision, culture, and reputation as much as it focuses on fonts, logos, graphics, and color schemes. Essentially, it’s a visual representation of your company’s unique voice. Having a strong, cohesive brand will help customers identify your company and what it stands for just by seeing certain marketing elements in an advertisement.

Branding Separates You from the Competition

Not only does branding help customers immediately identify your company, products, and advertisements, it also is what makes your company different from the others. Your company’s brand strategy framework will help your customers choose you over other companies who offer the same products and services. 

Think of a row of soda bottles in a grocery store. The labels have been removed and all the bottles of cola are sitting on the shelves, bare and identical. What would make a customer choose one bottle of soda over another? The branding of each soda is what sets it apart and drives customers to choose one product over others.

Branding Allows You to Connect with Your Customers Emotionally

One of the most important things you can do through your advertising and marketing is to find a way to help customers see you as more than just a faceless corporation. You know that saying, “more than just a pretty face”? Well, branding helps your company have a pretty face and more. Your brand strategy framework for marketing, sales, recruiting, and development should build trust and loyalty with your customers, so they keep coming back.

If you know that your company’s brand strategy framework needs an overhaul, but aren’t sure where to start, come see us at Solverium. Our web design and marketing experts have years of experience helping companies just like yours find their unique branding niche. We can help you develop branding that engages customers, inspires loyalty, and helps customers identify your brand. We’re also experts in onsite SEO, content marketing, Facebook advertising, and online reputation management. To get started, just schedule an initial consultation with us today, or request a quote, by calling us at (832) 468-6735 or contacting us online.