One of the most essential elements of any advertising strategy is a brand awareness campaign. Your company’s branding not only makes a memorable impression on your customers, but also drives home the key points of your company that you want your customers to remember: What you stand for, what your culture is, and how you differ from your competitors. When your customers learn to recognize your branding, you develop a relationship of trust that will improve your customer loyalty.
Both display ads and remarketing combined can ensure your branding stays in front of customers so that they keep coming back to you, time and time again. Display ads can catch your customers’ attention while they’re elsewhere on the web, and remarketing can remind them to come back to your site and finish what they started. Working together along with PPC searches, they create the perfect storm of customer engagement and brand awareness.
Why Display Ads?
Using display ads as part of your marketing strategy can inform your target audience that you exist, while reminding your existing audience to revisit your site. You can reach new customers and build positive brand perception anywhere within the Google network. More visibility means better recall for your brand and increased brand awareness. This awareness continues off the web as well, influencing future offline purchases.
What is Remarketing?
Remarketing, or retargeting, uses digital advertising directed to customers who have visited your website in the past. Remarketing ensures that your company is front and center in customers’ minds as they search elsewhere on the web. Your remarketing campaign can feature products and services that your customers have previously clicked on, added to their cart, purchased, or expressed interest in. These retargeting ads follow your customers around the web, reminding them to come back to your site again. You can ensure customers don’t forget you exist while also further enhancing brand awareness and cementing customer loyalty.
Why Combining Strategies Is So Effective
Display ads and remarketing strategies go hand in hand because they allow you to layer your marketing strategies to create one that can effectively target your entire demographic, keep them engaged, and build brand awareness across platforms. A combination of PPC search, display ads, and remarketing works on all audiences—cold, cool, warm, and hot—and can give you a better chance of converting leads to sales. A combined campaign can increase sales and conversions when compared to just using one technique on its own.
Are you ready to start using display ads and remarketing to increase your brand awareness in 2023? At Solverium, we have a carefully created marketing calendar for each of our clients that allows us to layer marketing campaigns like PPC search, display ads, and remarketing together so that you have the best shot of reaching your target audience. Your brand’s voice is carefully represented throughout your marketing so that we can increase brand awareness across platforms. To learn more, just schedule an initial consultation with us today, or request a quote, by calling us at (832) 468-6735 or contacting us online.